
Showing posts from April, 2023

Spring Cleaning - Dusting Off Hidden Treasures

Emerson Armstrong, Photo by CJ Scott Spring is definitely here in Canada.  Longer days, warmer temperatures, flowers popping up in the garden, windows opened to let the fresh air in, and some serious spring cleaning.   I don't know about you but when I start a thorough spring cleaning, I start tackling the bookshelves, and I seem to find myself going through family albums, and a pile of records that I have not yet been able to input into my research log.   This year the pile is larger than ever as I had to sort through my Mom's belongings in preparation for Long Term Care.  Its amazing to go through another family historian's pile of stuff! daunting but very necessary!   It was a year of bitter sweet findings in that I found some old photos of family that I had never seen before like this photo of my Dad as a young teenager, and I found several documents including a few certificates from the Royal Conservatory of Music for piano.  My Mom always sang or played something, and