Spring Cleaning - Dusting Off Hidden Treasures

Emerson Armstrong, Photo by CJ Scott

Spring is definitely here in Canada.  Longer days, warmer temperatures, flowers popping up in the garden, windows opened to let the fresh air in, and some serious spring cleaning.  

I don't know about you but when I start a thorough spring cleaning, I start tackling the bookshelves, and I seem to find myself going through family albums, and a pile of records that I have not yet been able to input into my research log.  This year the pile is larger than ever as I had to sort through my Mom's belongings in preparation for Long Term Care.  Its amazing to go through another family historian's pile of stuff! daunting but very necessary!  

It was a year of bitter sweet findings in that I found some old photos of family that I had never seen before like this photo of my Dad as a young teenager, and I found several documents including a few certificates from the Royal Conservatory of Music for piano.  My Mom always sang or played something, and the piano was her first instrument along with the organ and an accordion.  These were definitely special finds for me.  The sad part is that my Mom has lost many memories now having Alzheimer's, but thankfully she can still play piano by ear since reading the sheet music would be too difficult.  

As a family historian, its moments like these that make me grateful that I decided to do a family video interview a few years ago with her older sibling Grace. At that time she was not as advanced, but somehow I knew if I did not do it now, I may never get the opportunity again to ask questions or hear stories never told.  Its especially nice to have someone else in the interview that was there with her to either add to the story or corroborate the facts! Even as we get older we think we will never forget a birthday or funny moment from our childhood, however there are somethings like our memory that we may not be able to control.  So how or what are some ways as parents and grandparents can we pass these stories down to the next generation?  

  • 3 Generation Pedigree Chart (aka family tree) - Not every grade school will have a teacher that does this, so why not a summer project for the kids.  Put your own swing on it by having them paint their own tree, or attach leaves from your backyard.  Do whatever is age appropriate.
  • Family Game (all ages) - Have you ever seen the new Ancestry release called "2 Lies & A Leaf"?  What if you had a Friday family game night (not in front of a screen)?  Two teams, tons of a, b or c questions, and the winners? Well you decide what they win, but you would be amazed how fun this could be.
  • Family Interview - Many online sites will provide questions to ask such as Ancestry, Legacy etc., but you can create your own and do not put this off.  Whether you are writing answers down to the questions or doing it by video its a special way to connect and find some really great information out.
  • Family Recipes - Click the link for a book written by Gena Philibert-Ortega called, From the Family Kitchen: Discover Your Food Heritage and Preserve Favorite Recipes.   Almost every family has that one recipe that is a tradition to cook or a smell from the kitchen that brings up childhood memories.  Why not have a Saturday afternoon of baking a family favourite!  You will be surprised what memories come up, and the "I remember when" stories that erupt.  Butter Tarts are on my list of recipe memories.
  • Family Reunions - Now is the perfect time to arrange for a family BBQ!  Have each person bring a favourite photo, maybe some already has a family tree complete and you can show it off.  Have a special table that you can display all of your pictures and stories, and the questions will follow.   Don't forget to get you own family photos in for the day as well which you can share for the next reunion!
Don't limit your imagination! Now is the time to do something that you can thank yourself later for doing.

What are some activities that you have participated in or will be organizing to ensure that traditions and family stories are shared into the next generation?


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