
Showing posts from June, 2024

Tell Your Story

O nce in a while I come across a social media post where someone shares a childhood memory.  Its heartwarming to know that with all of this technology around us people allow themselves to sit and think without needing entertainment.  Don't get me wrong, I think there are many positive things about technology however I wonder... Are people craving a change?   Its interesting to observe as well that everywhere I go I see references to vintage and retro.  Stores have opened up specifically to sell collectable clothing, furniture, glassware, and vinyl from the 50s to 70s.  Not unusual with each passing generation, but I am aware that these items certainly provoke feelings and memories and we buy into it because of that connection.  There's that word again...connection.  I love how 'items' create feelings, jog a memory or bring you back to a moment that you experienced.  Whether they are considered negative or positive they are still memories.  Tea cups are items that pr